Lord Gizmo Q. Hufflepuff- male Ready N
Readiness to go home is based on the individual readiness of the hedgie. Hedgies are considered ready to go home when fully weaned, exhibiting independant eating and drinking habits, showing steady weight gain, and meeting the minimum weigh required for the mode of transportation being used to get to the hedgie's new home. Most babies go home between 6-12 weeks of age. You must have an appropriate cage & heat set up prior to the hedgehog going home.
Steps to Reserve & Purchase an Animal
1- Read all policy & health warranty information (click here).
2- Complete & submit a Prospective Buyer Form (click here).
3- Call us to confirm availability of the animal you want. NO TEXT MESSAGES
4- Payment options:
Hedgehogs listed on the nursery page are offered to our advance reserve list first.
Hedgehogs listed on the available page are available to approved prospective buyers. The add to cart is located on their individual pages and processed via Square checkout system. You may request a invoice if you prefer to use Afterpay. Available pages are also posted for Tenrec, STO, & LEH showing animals available to approved prospective buyers.
5- Pick ups are scheduled at approximately 8+ weeks of age based on individual readiness and your completion of preparation.